I have not been a good blog keeper lately. Life has been crazy
Once I got back from Miss New York I went and judge the state pageant for the National American Miss pageant. It was so much fun and the girls were amazing. There were different age groups and all the young girls (I am talking 5 years old) were well spoke and poised. It was amazing. I also meet great people and new Miss America Family in Maryland!!! That is truly one of the greatest parts of being part of the Miss America organization is that you really are a family and everyone is truly so caring and thoughtful.
I did however have to leave the pageant on Sunday to run up to Watertown for a meeting for Miss Thousand Islands!!!! It was a lot of fun as always and a great relaxing way to meet all the girls, we have a fabulous red jacket give us a skin care lesson. I was also able to get a mock interview and get feedback on how I am doing. There was also some good food there too.
Tuesday the Genesee County Fair Queen girls had their interviews and presentations at Bohn’s restaurant. They all did a great job talking about themselves and the topic they were given.
After that I was able to help Audit the Miss Monroe County Fair Queen Pageant, it was a really fun time and I got to hang out with some of my Miss TI girls who I will be competing with in less than a month now!!!! OMG still so much to do.
This week was also pretty crazy, I had the Genesee County Fair Queen Pageant which I am the Director for. Wednesday we had a parade and they girls got to throw out candy and hang out at the fair. And Friday night was the big event!!! The girls competed in introductions, evening gown and onstage questions. They did a great job and a big Congrats to Sam Streeter for being crowned this year’s Fair Queen.
On to my prep for Miss TI, sadly as you can see from my schedule I haven’t been hitting the gym as much as I should be lately. I do however have a new running buddy name A.J. and hopefully will be working hard now till the pageant.
I also got my dress fitting and change a little bit, and I must give a big thank you to Karen Waston the best fairy sewing godmother anyone can ask for. She did an amazing job on my dress!!!!
In other news almost all outfits are done, talent is being work on but needs some more attention to it. I am off to Dallas on Tuesday for the week for Mary Kay. I can’t wait for some girlfriend time and some time to learn and get inspired. It will be a great trip and my running shoes are coming with me.
Mary Kay always says work smart, not hard and I hope to use that in my pageant prep too. I come back and I have 14 days till I compete, it is very scary.