Life is always about creating goals for yourself and working towards them. Throughout my life I have overcome many challenges and works toward goals that seem impossible to achieve.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
New Jersey is for Lovers
I got home to a lot of homework that I had put off, including 3 papers that were due in 3 days. Yea, that was a tough reentry from my pink bubble. I also started planning for a couple events and started to plan my spring semester. All of this is done in time for HALLOWEEN!!!!! I am very excited about Halloween and getting to go out and have fun. I have been working very hard with very few breaks lately. All work and no play makes for a very stress out Vicky.
In other news I have been a very bad gym bump lately. I have hardly been there at all and I think that is part of my stress and tiredness. Working out helps to counteract those and also gives you loads of energy.
I also haven’t been cooking as much as I use to which also isn’t good. I try very hard to make sure to eat while, but that has been hard. It is hard for everyone and I am not the only one that has a crazy schedule. So hopefully I will find the balance and I will let you in on the secret when I do.
I am currently rereading the 4 agreements which is an amazing book. I am very excited about it. That is another one of my goals, to start reading more. I can’t believe that October is almost over and November will be flying by also. We are entering the eating time of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas, it makes me so happy because it also means cookie time.
As of December 15th, I will have finished my first semester of graduate work. Then a short break and back to it next semester. I will be taking grant writing, statistics, foundation of nonprofit sector, and public policy. This summer I lucked out and my AmeriCorps placement will count for a 6 credit internship. I will go back in the fall and finish up my last 4 classes. Then they unleash me into the real world, crazy.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Long Time Gone
Sorry it’s been so long!!!! School and work have been keeping me very busy lately. So let me give you a rundown of what I been up to lately. I went to SUNY Brockport’s main campus earlier this month to speak to the undergraduate students about the benefits of AmeriCorps and about my involvement in the program. I will be going tomorrow to talk to all the seniors at Pavilion High School about the program also. I have been able to sit in on a couple of trainings and spoke to the Human Service Council in Orleans County about AmeriCorps as while.
I also helped out at the Just Friend Halloween event where I got to bob for apples. The kids and I had a great time. I also help plan the Make a Difference Day activity for the Batavia High Seniors that came to the Genesee County Youth Bureau for the day. They help us test out a blanket making project for MLK day of service and make posters for the event also. More information will be coming soon on it I promise.
Beyond this I also got the first AmeriCorps newsletter out and starting to work on quizzes and surveys for the members. It has been a lot of work and also a lot of fun. I love and enjoy my placement so much and learn something new every day.
I also had my 2nd annual pumpkin carving party this month. Halloween was always my favorite holiday and my mom also loved it. All my friends came over and work on their pumpkins together and made some great designs. It’s something in enjoying doing and I definitely want to make it a yearly tradition.
In other news Mary Kay has been amazing. I am excited to say we have two unit members on target for their cars and one in DIQ. I can’t wait to see how many new directors we have this year. We also surprise Shelley with her housewarming gift last night. I am so lucky to have so many amazing women I get to help and work with. It was a great event. We also had a NEW RED JACKET and I am sooo proud of Jennifer she has been working so hard to that goal.
Also with Mary Kay I am very happy to say that the Pink Sirens (that’s our unit name) took part in the Albion Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk and raised over 800 dollars toward research and finding a cure!!!! Now that is pink power right there!!!!!!!
I am off to New Jersey this weekend for the Fall Go Give Advance, it going to be a great time with everyone but it’s an extra special trip for me. I will be getting to also spend time with my cousin Jennifer and help celebrate Olivia’s (her daughter) 4th birthday!!!!!!!! I cannot believe how big and grown up she is getting.
I promise I will update you on my amazing weekend when I get home!!!!!
PS: This month is not only Breast Cancer Awareness month; it is also Bullying Prevention month with the tragic national events as of late. Please reach out to youth, sometimes they really need someone to listen. Never underestimate the power of a kind word
Monday, October 4, 2010
School and More School
So as you know I am a full time master's student at SUNY Brockport, studying Public Administration and Nonprofit Management. While I would love to tell you how much fun it is, which there is plenty of fun stuff. It is a lot of work, more then I thought when signing up. However I am finally getting use to it and starting to get into the swing of it.
I am very sad to report I was not able to go on my hike due to weather :( But I was able to work on a paper that was due, so that is always good. I also starting at my AmeriCorps placement!!!
I signed my new contract and started officially on October 1st. I will be completing 900 hours over the course of the next year. For my service I will receive a stipend and an educational award at the end of my term which will go towards my student loan.
During my year I will be able to take part and help in a number of programs, including Reality Check, Youth Court, and Legal Advocacy for youth program. I will also be working on creating and helping to put together community service projects for other AmeriCorps members. I will also be driving into grant writing and sending out a month newsletter.
I am looking forward to the new challenges and making myself grow and stretch more through this.
I have found that AmeriCorps is rewarding way to spend my time and also feel like I have made some impact on the community I live in. I have also learned more about the work of government in my community and how important it is to get youth involved at a young age. I'm work with AmeriCorps had a huge influence in my platform issue for pageants and also focusing on what I really want to be able to do in my life. It has inspired and pushed me to greater.
Please check out the link below. I will be taking part in this amazing fund raiser for the American Cancer Society. Please Support this cause during October which is National Breast Cancer Awkwardness Month
Please Donate