So the season has started. I had a great time up in Clayton this year as I always do. I got up there on Friday just in time to eat a sub and get to rehearsal. As always Rachael did a great job with the opening number and I loved it. We had a great group of girls which always makes it such a fun time and relaxing.
Saturday was as always a long fun filled day. I was contestant number one so I first to go in for interview. I had a great time and got to talk about a lot of different topics and I believe that I contacted with them and make a great impression. I then have a fun filled morning of relaxing….ohh and we invented a new game…..the keep a feather in the air game. It was a great time.
We had lunch outside by the beautiful water and it was so sunny and amazing out. We had very nice lunch guest with Miss New York and Miss New York Outstanding Teen. We went back to the Opera House and had a full run through and another amazing special guest….AMY!!!!!!!!
It was so nice to get to have Amy there. The show was amazing and my talent went so great. I was honor to receive the Community Serve Award. Big congrats to Abbegal Turner, 3rd runner up, Angela Galasso, 2nd runner up and first runner up and one of the best eggs I know Corrie Dartnell!!!!! Finally a big congrats to Morgan Bocciolatt who is this year’s Miss Thousand Islands!!!!!!!!!
So as they always say on west wing….What’s Next?
This weekend I will be going to Boonville, NY for the Miss Forest Queen Pageant. I am very excited and honor to be able to see another part of our great state of New York. I am looking forward to the trip and to seeing the area. I however haven’t been eating that great, so we will see how my swimsuit goes. I feel great about my talent and everything. I can’t wait for my interview.
So that is what’s next
Ummmm, you're one of the best eggs I know as well :) Best of luck in Buffalo, darlin'!