***disclaimer: there are my views and my views alone, if you disagree with them you have every right and I completely understand if you do not. Best part about this country is we all can have our own views***
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."- First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Now that we are all clear on what it says. I think its important to remember what those first to lines mean....we as individuals have the right to practice whatever religion we believe in free of government. That means government can tell use what to believe in, or indorse a religious belief and also can not make it hard for use to practice our religious beliefs.
This allows as all the right to practice what we believe in...if we want to keep that right for our self we can not try and stop others who are citizen of this country from also having this right. To stop someone from doing this is in violation of the first amendment of the Constitution. This is what in part our country is about, we must protect it. Please think about that before passing judgement on others beliefs.
I also think its important that as we look at the issue in New York City right now to remember that extremist are not the majority of any religious. and the best way to fight against extremism in any religion is with open dialogue and knowledge. People fear which they that don’t understand...knowledge is power.
I am a believe that ones religious beliefs are a private matter and are between them and whatever power, source, faith they believe in also. While I understand that people who lead public lives give up some of the privacy, I can't imagine myself not being offended by having to voice my religious beliefs when they have nothing to do with my job, nor should my job have anything to do with my religious beliefs.
It is sad to me that so many Americans are misinformed and people what they hear. It is so important to question and be active citizens. Take proud in our country and look out to protect it, the best way to do that is questioning and looking for information.
18% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. Where one I don't see an issue if he was, two however its incorrect information. IT IS NOT TRUE. Its upsetting how much time and anger people but into spreading and talking about false, unimportant things such as this. If those people put half as much anger they do now into that into coming up with ideas to fix the correct problems we are having...imagine what would be done.
Imagine if that anger was used volunteering or working with at risk youth, what a difference a person could make. Sorry I got on my soapbox, but for the White House to have to spend time of these kind of issues upsets me. And more so should upset those people who complain about the price of government and how “nothing is getting done” maybe if they didn’t have to spend they time on these types of problems they would be able to devote more time to other things.
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