Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Jersey is for Lovers

Lol ok while a different type of lovers. For starter I spent the weekend down in New Jersey for the annual Mary Kay Go Give Advance. It was an amazing event and I am so happy I got to spend time with my Mary Kay sisters and learn so much. But on top of this great event which in and of itself was a reason to drive six hours to New Jersey, I also was able to spend time with my beautiful cousin Jen and her family. For starts it was Olivia’s 4th birthday and she was the cutest little princess every. Not that I am bias, lol. I also got to see Dylan, her son, who well was dealing with a stomach bug, was as sweet as ever. My aunt Kathy was also there for the event, and I got feed very well and was very happy to spend the time with them.

I got home to a lot of homework that I had put off, including 3 papers that were due in 3 days. Yea, that was a tough reentry from my pink bubble. I also started planning for a couple events and started to plan my spring semester. All of this is done in time for HALLOWEEN!!!!! I am very excited about Halloween and getting to go out and have fun. I have been working very hard with very few breaks lately. All work and no play makes for a very stress out Vicky.

In other news I have been a very bad gym bump lately. I have hardly been there at all and I think that is part of my stress and tiredness. Working out helps to counteract those and also gives you loads of energy.

I also haven’t been cooking as much as I use to which also isn’t good. I try very hard to make sure to eat while, but that has been hard. It is hard for everyone and I am not the only one that has a crazy schedule. So hopefully I will find the balance and I will let you in on the secret when I do.

I am currently rereading the 4 agreements which is an amazing book. I am very excited about it. That is another one of my goals, to start reading more. I can’t believe that October is almost over and November will be flying by also. We are entering the eating time of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas, it makes me so happy because it also means cookie time.

As of December 15th, I will have finished my first semester of graduate work. Then a short break and back to it next semester. I will be taking grant writing, statistics, foundation of nonprofit sector, and public policy. This summer I lucked out and my AmeriCorps placement will count for a 6 credit internship. I will go back in the fall and finish up my last 4 classes. Then they unleash me into the real world, crazy.

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