Friday, August 27, 2010


Today was one of those bitter sweet days. Sweet because I will be starting my masters’ as of Monday, also bitter for the same reason. But it was bitter for a much larger reason. Today was my last day at my law internship and Muldoon and Getz.

I have been able to spend the summer with an amazing group of people to help me understand and learn about the legal field and what it is really like. I learn how much you really do as a lawyer and how much work you put in sometimes (a hundred hours) just to have everything change in a case in a couple days. But I also so how truly scary and difficult the legal process can be, and why having a lawyer is always smart. And for goodness sake keep your mouth shut until they show up ;)

I was very lucky where I was able to learn all these very important lessons, and great teachers to. First I will start with the most important person, Venita. Venita is the receptionist and if you doubt her importance you haven’t seen inside a law firm before. She deals with ever client and all the members of the staff….that is no easy task at times.

There are also the beautiful and talents Lisa and Karen, who know how to put together documents and what is needed in every type of case better than most. Plus Karen always has a way of making you laugh.

There is Gary, who knowledge of the written word is unbelievable. And can recall facts on cases from years ago at the drop of the hat. Beyond that he literally wrote the book on handling a criminal case in New York…look it up I am for real.

Then there is Jon, who is the reason I was able to intern at this amazing place this summer. Jon was one of my professors at SUNY Brockport, and sadly helped to nurture this crazy idea of mind to be a lawyer. And still encouraged it after he saw I really wasn’t as smart as he thought I was. Beyond being a great teacher (my grades are closed so you know it’s true) he can survey facts and package then in briefs and into cases. Oddly enough a student who was in a class I had with him asked me if he was as nice as he seemed in class, I can honestly say he is nicer. Plus after a week he doesn’t seem as scary.

Finally there is Marty, who despite is attempts to show me how being a lawyer is a terrible idea, with little luck, still let me pal around with him. He also took me on my down town Rochester culinary tour, I can find all the best places to eat blind folded. He also had the best special guest who showed me different areas of law. I am much more prepared for law school thanks to his guidance.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just Wing It

I had an amazing time in Boonville and big big congrats to Allison on representing the area at Miss New York this year. After the parade on Saturday I had to run home for a wedding. Anyone who knows me will tell you how I seem to always have 4 things going on at one time with out fail.

Best part of being so busy, busy people will always be busy and are able to get things done. Also I have learn to schedule, plan and weight what is important. The wedding for such a fun time and i work off the amazing food by dancing the night away.

In other news I am very sad to say the fashion show i been working on had to be postponed till a later date. Due to stuff beyond the YWCA control, at least we have a lot of ground work done for next time.

Last night I went out to support my friends band the poverty rat, I was very happy I was able to support the band and Corey. It was a great time had by all.

So as of late it has been crazy and I have been also getting ready for school!!!! I start back on Aug 30th...that is right monday!!!! I am looking forward to my masters and can't wait to start working on it. For those of you who do not know I am completed my masters in Public Administration and Non Profit Management.

So keeping with my west wing them....What's Next?

While I am very excited about Miss Buffalo at the....wait for it....BUFFALO CHICKEN WING FEST!!!!!!!!!! Yes i love my wings :)I am also taking part in the .5 K (yes a half of a K) run on the first day of the fest. I am even more excited to say that the wing fest donates over 100,000 dollars every years to a number of charities in the western new york area, these year one of the charities is Western New York AmeriCorps.

As an Alumni of the AmeriCorps program, I am very excited about this partnership. Those of you who do not know AmeriCorps was also the official volunteer require for the Extreme Home Makeover that was done in Buffalo. I am very proud of the over One thousand hours of volunteer work I have done with AmeriCorps. And I have been lucky enough to be able to pay off a large part of my student loans because of the work i did with AmeriCorps.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Soap Box

***disclaimer: there are my views and my views alone, if you disagree with them you have every right and I completely understand if you do not. Best part about this country is we all can have our own views***

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."- First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Now that we are all clear on what it says. I think its important to remember what those first to lines mean....we as individuals have the right to practice whatever religion we believe in free of government. That means government can tell use what to believe in, or indorse a religious belief and also can not make it hard for use to practice our religious beliefs.
This allows as all the right to practice what we believe in...if we want to keep that right for our self we can not try and stop others who are citizen of this country from also having this right. To stop someone from doing this is in violation of the first amendment of the Constitution. This is what in part our country is about, we must protect it. Please think about that before passing judgement on others beliefs.

I also think its important that as we look at the issue in New York City right now to remember that extremist are not the majority of any religious. and the best way to fight against extremism in any religion is with open dialogue and knowledge. People fear which they that don’t understand...knowledge is power.

I am a believe that ones religious beliefs are a private matter and are between them and whatever power, source, faith they believe in also. While I understand that people who lead public lives give up some of the privacy, I can't imagine myself not being offended by having to voice my religious beliefs when they have nothing to do with my job, nor should my job have anything to do with my religious beliefs.

It is sad to me that so many Americans are misinformed and people what they hear. It is so important to question and be active citizens. Take proud in our country and look out to protect it, the best way to do that is questioning and looking for information.
18% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. Where one I don't see an issue if he was, two however its incorrect information. IT IS NOT TRUE. Its upsetting how much time and anger people but into spreading and talking about false, unimportant things such as this. If those people put half as much anger they do now into that into coming up with ideas to fix the correct problems we are having...imagine what would be done.

Imagine if that anger was used volunteering or working with at risk youth, what a difference a person could make. Sorry I got on my soapbox, but for the White House to have to spend time of these kind of issues upsets me. And more so should upset those people who complain about the price of government and how “nothing is getting done” maybe if they didn’t have to spend they time on these types of problems they would be able to devote more time to other things.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Miss Thousand Islands


So the season has started. I had a great time up in Clayton this year as I always do. I got up there on Friday just in time to eat a sub and get to rehearsal. As always Rachael did a great job with the opening number and I loved it. We had a great group of girls which always makes it such a fun time and relaxing.

Saturday was as always a long fun filled day. I was contestant number one so I first to go in for interview. I had a great time and got to talk about a lot of different topics and I believe that I contacted with them and make a great impression. I then have a fun filled morning of relaxing….ohh and we invented a new game…..the keep a feather in the air game. It was a great time.

We had lunch outside by the beautiful water and it was so sunny and amazing out. We had very nice lunch guest with Miss New York and Miss New York Outstanding Teen. We went back to the Opera House and had a full run through and another amazing special guest….AMY!!!!!!!!

It was so nice to get to have Amy there. The show was amazing and my talent went so great. I was honor to receive the Community Serve Award. Big congrats to Abbegal Turner, 3rd runner up, Angela Galasso, 2nd runner up and first runner up and one of the best eggs I know Corrie Dartnell!!!!! Finally a big congrats to Morgan Bocciolatt who is this year’s Miss Thousand Islands!!!!!!!!!

So as they always say on west wing….What’s Next?

This weekend I will be going to Boonville, NY for the Miss Forest Queen Pageant. I am very excited and honor to be able to see another part of our great state of New York. I am looking forward to the trip and to seeing the area. I however haven’t been eating that great, so we will see how my swimsuit goes. I feel great about my talent and everything. I can’t wait for my interview.

So that is what’s next

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Start

If Chris was to read this he would be very mad at me for saying the start to the end because that is a negative way of looking at it. And in truth it is not that at all. Tomorrow I will compete in the first local of the Miss New York year, Miss Thousand Islands. I leave today for Clayton, NY for rehearsal. Along the way I will have my finally phone interview and get focused on what I need to do.

I have done everything I can do to prepare and I am a better person for it. Now it is about giving it all I have and knowing I have done my best. This is the most important thing, sounds corny I know.

Sure everyone wants to win, but in the end you need to know that your best is good enough and that self growth is the most important. Even if it isn't pretty. Here is one of my favorite quotes from Charles R. Swindoll:

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The finally preparation has started!!!!

So we are 8 DAYS away from the Miss Thousand Islands Pageant!!!!

This has been a long summer of preparation and hopefully it will start paying off starting next weekend. Its important to note that this is only the first in a long line of pageants for the season. So what is it like knowing that this time next week I will be getting in a car to go to the pageant?
While to say its scary, would be a lie and I am not about to do that. But there is a sense of zen chill also. I have to thank Chris and his sometimes crazy ways of training me. I had a season with my amazing business/life coach yesterday and SHOCKER we finally got down to the underlying problems that hurt me in every area of my life. He is amazing and he has help me in ways I couldn’t even begin to describe. If you are someone who has issue in your business, You need Chris and Nancy!!!!!

My dress is ready and I finally have to walk down in the new and improved dress :). My jewelry is amazing guys!!!!! Every piece is a work of art made just for my outfits and brings them to life.
I have interviewed, interviewed, interviewed till I am blue in the face and have also been able to get more insight from people in my intern office and my pageant sisters.

I felt like I would feel this was the beginning to the end by truly I feel like it is the start of a great journey.

I go Monday for touch ups to my dance with the amazing Patti Simmons who’s creativity and dance knowledge never stop to amaze me. I can’t be more ready, I have done my all and while I know that I could poke and pick at myself till I don’t have a voice...I wont. Because this is me and I am ready.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~ Lao Tzu

The most important thing I have discover this summer, is that you can never give up because that next step could help change you. You are always a work in progress and growing into who you are truly meant to be.

God did not create you to be just mediocre, so you must stretch and grow to the greatness he has planned for you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Throw Your Heart Over The Bar

I am very very blessed to be apart of the Mary Kay Family. Last week I was able to spend some much needed girl time down in Dallas, Texas for the Annual Mary Kay Pearl Seminar. It is true that Mary Kay throws the best parties but they also have the best people.

Mary Kay does not always tell you what you want to hear, but they tell you what you need to hear. I was blessed to learn and grow with these amazing women for almost two years, and the truth is, there is so much more for me to learn and so much higher for me to grow.

Seminar is where dreams and goals are made, and my time there was no different. I was able to regain my focus, love and belief in myself and this opportunity. Mary Kay is truly a way to change your life...if you only throw your heart over the bar. This is the theme I heard time and time again. To truly do what scares you and follow your desire, want and passion. To put your all 100% into those things and leave it in gods hands.

I learn and was reminded that we are not born winners or losers but CHOOSERS, we must create and follow our own path. You must follow your heart and choose the path that is best for you. When your truly have given it your all and can look your self in the face and say you did your are never a loser no matter what.

It is when you do this and you change your way of thinking...that everything else will fall into line. Also that action is the only step that heads toward results, without acting you have nothing but a dream.

I could go on and go and it will take me along time to process and put together everything i took away from those few short days in Dallas. It has made me not only a better consultant but a better person.